
Farmers RECC, East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC) and the City of Glasgow are proud of the successful completion and operation of the landfill-gas-to-electric (LFGTE) power plant.  Completed in 2016, the plant can generate up to 1 megawatt of electricity, powering approximately 500 Farmers RECC members’ homes.  

The plant, located at the city’s Glasgow Regional Landfill, is fueled by methane gas from the landfill.  The methane is captured and harvested from the landfill by an extensive collection system that the city of Glasgow constructed in 2014 and 2015.  Integral to the city being able to construct the system was a $1 million, zero-interest, 10-year Rural Economic Development Loan provided by Farmers RECC through the United States Department of Agriculture.  The access to these funds greatly reduced the cost to construct the methane collection system.  Installation of the system allowed the city to meet current state and federal requirements on the management of the landfill’s methane emissions.

The project began as a result of extensive discussions between Farmers RECC and the City of Glasgow.  Farmers RECC was interested in the production of energy from renewable sources and the city of Glasgow was interested in capturing the landfill’s methane gas.

EKPC, which is owned by Farmers RECC and 15 other electric cooperatives around the state, has years of experience in operating LFGTE plants at landfills around Kentucky. The plants are fueled by methane, a flammable gas produced as organic waste decays within landfills. Methane gas often is flared off as a waste product.

As a result of the discussions, EKPC agreed to construct and operate the plant, and will purchase methane gas from the City of Glasgow. The gas is piped to the plant, where it fuels the generator. Farmers RECC is purchasing all of the renewable energy produced by the facility to provide to its members. In addition, the plant serves as a source of backup electric power for the city’s nearby sewage treatment plant.

“This project is a shining example of how multiple organizations can work together to innovatively address our needs and benefit the entire community,” said Bill Prather, president and CEO of Farmers RECC. “We are proud of our partnership with the City of Glasgow and EKPC, as well as the improvements to the quality of life in our community.  We’re also appreciative of the USDA’s Rural Economic Development Loan program and how it can help to make projects like this a reality.”

In May 2016, Farmers RECC received the Silver Switch Award from the Rural Electricity Resource Council, which recognized the depth of cooperation required to complete the project, as well as the unique nature of the renewable electricity produced.

The Glasgow facility is EKPC’s sixth LFGTE plant. The others are located at landfills in Boone, Laurel, Greenup, Hardin and Pendleton counties. Together, the six plants have the capacity to generate up to 14.6 megawatts of electricity.

The Glasgow LFGTE plant is EKPC’s only facility that delivers its electric power to the local co-op.

Currently, the Glasgow LFGTE plant generates enough electricity to have any one of the following annual environmental impacts:

  • Offset greenhouse gas emissions from more than 1 million miles driven by an average passenger vehicle; or
  • Offset CO2 emissions from more than 50,000 gallons of gasoline consumed; or
  • Offset CO2 emissions from more than 1,000 barrels of oil consumed.

Farmers RECC offers tours of the Landfill-Gas-to-Energy plant on an appointment only basis. For more information about the plant, or to request a tour, please contact Farmers RECC at 270-651-2191.